
Positions of those I have been privileged to mentor who have graduated with a Ph.D.:

former advisees

Satoshi Abe, Nagasaki University

Julianna Acheson, U of Maine at Farmington, Department of Anthropology

Mamadou Baro, U of A, School of Anthropology

Aomar Boum, UCLA, Department of Anthropology 

Anita Carrasco, Luther College, Department of Anthropology, Decatur, Illinois

Michael Coffey, TEP, Senior Economist, Tucson, AZ

Tara Deubel, University of South Florida, Department of Anthropology

Gina Gemignani, Gender Consultant (2008 - Present), World Bank, Washington D.C.

Hsaïn Ilahiane, U of Kentucky, Department of Anthropology

Jón Haukur Ingamundarson, Senior Scientist, Stefannson Arctic Institute, Iceland

Joshua Holst, Ph.d. August 2015

Bayo Ijagbemi, U of A, Lecturer Africana Studies Program 

Beth Kangas, Lecturer, Oakland University

Kristin Loftsdottír, University of Iceland, Department of Anthropology

Mourad Mjahed, International Programs, Southwestern Community College, San Diego, CA 

Ahmadou N’diade, Senior Researcher, ACDI/VOCA Cape Verde & Uganda

Janice Newberry, University of Lethbridge, Department of Anthropology, Alberta, Canada

Victoria Phaneuf, Anthropology Indiana University of Pennsylvania

Charlie Stevens, Miami University, Lecturer American Studies and International Studies

Marcela Vasquez, U of A, School of Anthropology, BARA and LAAS

almost advisees

Catherine Besteman, Colby College, Department of Anthropology, Maine

Futoshi Kinoshita, University of Tsukuba, Japan

Andrea Smith, Lafayette College, Department of Anthropology


© Thomas Park 2017